The MAX923ESA+ is a dual micropower low voltage comparator in 8 pin NSOIC package. This ultra low power comparator includes an internal 1.206 ±1% voltage reference, programmable hysteresis and TTL/CMOS outputs that sink and source current. It is ideal for 3V or 5V single supply applications and each comparator's input voltage range swings from negative supply rail to within 1.3V of positive supply. The unique output stage of MAX923 continuously sources 40mA current and by eliminating power supply glitches that commonly occur when comparators change logic states, MAX923 minimize parasitic feedback which makes it easier to use. The dual MAX923 provides unique and simple method for adding hysteresis without feedback and complicated equations simply by using the HYST pin and two resistors. It is used in battery powered systems, threshold detectors, window comparators and oscillator circuits.
Single supply voltage range from 2.5V to 11V and dual supply voltage range from ±1.25V to ±5.5V
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
Input voltage range includes negative supply
12μs propagation delay at 10mV overdrive (5V operation)
No switching crowbar current
Internal precision reference of 1%
Supply current of 3.1μA at TA = +25°C (5V operation)
Input offset voltage of ±10mV
Common mode rejection ratio of 0.1mV/V and power supply rejection ratio of 0.1mV/V
Comparator voltage noise of 20μVrms at 100Hz to 100KHz